Welcome to Coride! These are some frequently asked questions from our Coride users. If you cannot find the answer here please send us an email.
<img src="/icons/circle-alternate_red.svg" alt="/icons/circle-alternate_red.svg" width="40px" /> GENERAL
- What is Coride, and how does it work?
- Who can use Coride?
- How do I create a Coride account?
- What information do I need to provide?
- Why do you need my phone number?
- I have forgot my password. What do I do?
- How do I invite a friend or colleague to join Coride?
<img src="/icons/steering-wheel_red.svg" alt="/icons/steering-wheel_red.svg" width="40px" /> DRIVE
- How do I create a ride?
- What is Instant booking?
- What does Available balance mean?
- Can I set the price of the ride?
- Can I create a ride to another country?
- Not even to Denmark?
<img src="/icons/car_red.svg" alt="/icons/car_red.svg" width="40px" /> RIDE
- Can I book several seats on a ride?
- How do I book a ride as a passenger?
- I can't find a ride. What do I do?
- I am not able to join a ride that I booked. Will I have to pay anyway?
- The person I was going to ride with was late or did not show up at all. What do I do?
- How can I be confident about the person driving?
- What is the cost of joining a ride? Why does it say max X kr?
- Can I get a receipt?
<img src="/icons/map_red.svg" alt="/icons/map_red.svg" width="40px" /> PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF
- What if I want to join only a part of a ride?
- So how do I book a ride with pick-up or drop-off?
- Will I have to pay more if I am being picked up?
<img src="/icons/atm_red.svg" alt="/icons/atm_red.svg" width="40px" /> WALLET
- What is the Coride wallet?
- When do I need to top up my Coride wallet before joining a ride?
- What does Coride cost?
- Why do you charge a transaction fee?
- Should I pay tax on the money I get as a driver?
- Is there a subscription fee?
- What about insurance?
- When is the money transferred from the passenger account to the driver account?
- Is my money safe with Coride?
- How do I top up my Coride wallet?
- What is the maximum balance allowed in my Coride wallet?
- I don't have Swish (Sweden only). How do I top up my account?
- Can I get a receipt for the ride cost somehow?
- Can I withdraw funds from my Coride wallet?
<img src="/icons/bugle_red.svg" alt="/icons/bugle_red.svg" width="40px" /> RIDE ALERTS
- I don’t have a car and I cannot find someone to ride with. What do I do?
- What happens if a ride is published that matches my ride alerts?
- Can I manage my ride alerts?
<img src="/icons/lock_red.svg" alt="/icons/lock_red.svg" width="40px" /> SECURITY AND PRIVACY
- How does Coride ensure passenger safety?
- How are drivers and passengers rated?
- What personal data does Coride collect?
<img src="/icons/invitation_red.svg" alt="/icons/invitation_red.svg" width="40px" /> INBOX
- How does the Inbox work?
- Can I block or report someone?
- Blocking a user
<img src="/icons/asterisk_red.svg" alt="/icons/asterisk_red.svg" width="40px" /> MISCELLANEOUS
- What are Coriders?
- Notifications
- Favourite places
<img src="/icons/laptop_red.svg" alt="/icons/laptop_red.svg" width="40px" /> TECH
- Can I use Coride in a web browser?
- Which type of phone do I need to use Coride?
- I can’t find your app on AppStore.
<img src="/icons/cash_red.svg" alt="/icons/cash_red.svg" width="40px" /> SAVINGS
- Is there a way to see how much CO2 emissions I have saved on a specific ride or during certain time period?
- I have an hybrid/electrical car. Does this impact the way I use Coride?
- How do you know how much CO2 emissions I save while ride-sharing?
<img src="/icons/ticket_red.svg" alt="/icons/ticket_red.svg" width="40px" /> EVENT
- There is an event function? What does it do?
- How does it work?
- But it is empty?
<img src="/icons/headset_red.svg" alt="/icons/headset_red.svg" width="40px" /> ISSUES AND SUPPORT
- Who do I contact if I have a problem?